Saturday, June 30, 2007

Microsoft deletes mass Xbox 360 crashing claims from Forza 2 forums

Nothing like a company already nailed for being a monopoly just going around erasing peoples rights to free speech. They are hiding a digital voice with their power and it is insane. Microsoft needs to be broken up like the Bells were, not just catered to because half of the government's PCs are running on windows.In what appears to be an effort to conceal the over 900 replies gamers provided on the official forums about Forza Motorsport 2 crashing on the Xbox 360, Microsoft has deleted the long thread, now stating that it’s “exclusive content for registered forum users” only. However, the thread was removed entirely, even to...

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Potential cure for HIV discovered

In a breakthrough that could potentially lead to a cure for HIV infection, scientists have discovered a way to remove the virus from infected cells, a study released Thursday said. The scientists engineered an enzyme which attacks the DNA of the HIV virus and cuts it out of the infected cell, according to the study published.
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